On My Nerve

siggghh… she is getting on my nerve now… she is so naive…and yet when it comes to boys she is so cheeky!!!!???!!! but when it comes to doing her work, she gets frustrated so easily… complaining every single thing… why or why cant you act more professional???? she lash out her problems to innocent people, while she is suppose to guide them but instead she can make people more angry with the behaviour that she created…. i tried to be calm with her behaviour…but she is at the stage that she listen to no one….and act more superior when she is just a kid…i honestly want to be nice to her…but as the days pass by… you have been on my nerve…. 


  1. yginsaf Said:

    she’s only human being..

  2. m4eva Said:

    yup she is only human being…
    to be honest i havent been too detail with what im complainin about..

    thing is… all of us have our own work and dateline to meet… and the difference between me and her is that, i am her senior (which i just found out that i am incharge of her hehehe)… if her performance is not well, our boss would talk to me straight away for her behaviour… i have been patience and i have been nice… but ever since there is a new collegues helping us out… she have totally neglect her work and put all the work towards the new helper… which is not fair… she complain that she’s tired for dealing with customers… while i have to deal with more customer than her…and i have to deal with her customer if there are technical problems… and every minute i get called by my boss with last minute work (which i am not complaining because i enjoyed it) but i am not complaining…but technically…she getting more slacky after we have a new person helping us out… and more demanding… and lately have less respect to all of us…including the boss… hmmmm…. i may not tell the whole detail for my post… because i like it to be mysterious…

    oohhh yeah before i forgot… the innocent people refers to the customer who keep on calling… and as a customer we would like to have a good customer services… if you called an organization we like to expect the employee to answer the phone politely not harsh…. well if she’s too fed up with the customer..the next caller would be a victim.. because she would not be polite and when she does that… i will be called by my boss and i would have to inform her again to be nice…. and i would have to teach her again the proper way to answer phone calls… 😦 i hope you dont take this comment and the post to personally…

    At times i can tolerant her behaviour…infact in the office i am the only one that she talks too… but the difference between me and her…i have so many last minute jobs that i have to do… and even infront of boss..she would talk and stand beside my table and see what im doing… and said ‘im just disturbing you…hehehee…are you busy??? awww… how sad…’ and still stand next to my table even when boss is behind her….

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